Monday, March 5, 2018

5 of 31: Mother Nature Is a Hormonal Teenager. Good Thing I Have Brand New Windshield Wipers.

There's nothing better than brand new windshield wipers...

A student slicer from last year wrote a post about weather here in St. Louis, Missouri. This young writer stated that spring weather here in the Midwest was going through puberty. I found that line to be super sticky and so it has stuck with me.

Taking her idea one step further, I'd say that weather in Missouri is akin to a teenage, hormonal version of Mother Nature right after being dumped by cocky Father Time. In her emotional upheaval, she wreaks havoc on us innocent Midwestern bystanders. 

One day the sun is shining and I'm unpacking my shorts as the thermometer tops 60 degrees. The next? Well Mother Nature must have found an old Valentine's Day card promising eternal love or some other painful reminder of Father Time because the red line plummets down to the negatives with snow and ice...just like her frozen heart.

And today? It rained. All. Day. Long. She must have heard their song, "Time Is on My Side" by The Rolling Stones, on the radio early this morning or caught an advertisement for the movie, Twister, which was their favorite film. 

Gloomy gray clouds rolled across the sky with periods of quite heavy rain (the ugly face sort of crying) intermixed with a lighter sprinkle (sniffling and quiet weeping) all day long. 

But did I let it dampen my mood? Not a chance. Though I could empathize with young Mother Nature's first heartbreak (been there, done that), I secretly relished the rain today. You see, I couldn't wait to try out my newly installed windshield wipers. 

As I drove home, at last seeing clearly despite the deluge, I imagined sitting next to young Mother Nature wiping her tears away as gently as my windshield wipers cleared the rain. There is just something so satisfying about brand new windshield wipers quietly gliding across the windshield leaving zero streaks behind. 

I love new windshield wipers more than Mother Nature thought she loved Father Time. I just love them. Their rhythmic swipe. The moment of absolute clarity before raindrops blur the view only to be cleared away once again a few seconds later. The complete absence of the incessant squeal and drag of my old wipers, which grated my nerves worse than eighth graders who refuse to capitalize the personal pronoun "I" in their memoirs! 

So, let it rain, let it rain, let it rain. Perhaps it will help to thaw that frozen heart or at least heal it.


  1. Aww, poor mother nature...yay for new windshield wipers. Glad you got to try them out and metaphorically wipe away her tears. I think she's a bit mixed up myself these days.

  2. This is fabulous! Not only does it make me laugh out loud about hormonal teenagers (as I have one pre-teen in the house), it reminds me of the fact that I need new windshield wipers! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Today in my city, it snowed and it snowed and it snowed and it snowed. My windshield wipers were totally useless. I love the description you have provided. It's a great way to explain the temperamental weather.

  4. I laughed out out at several points in this slice, and I shared it with my mom. We both agreed that this slice made us feel better about the stormy weather today, and about the hormones of Mother Nature. Can't wait to read more! You really made me feel for poor heartbroken Mother Nature.

  5. I love new windshield wipers too! Sometimes, it's the little things in life...

  6. And today? Absolutely bipolar. One minute I let the dogs out and two minutes later I open my backdoor to a blizzard? What?!
