Thursday, March 22, 2018

22 out of 31: Yay for Yin Yoga

Yay for Yin Yoga

At precisely noon, my yoga instructor asked us to breathe mindfully. Today's practice would focus on holding poses for 2-5 minutes, and we were to clear our minds and focus on our breath.

Feeling the mat beneath me and the slightly cool chill in the air, I started at my scalp and began relaxing the muscles in my face around my eyes and mouth. I felt my shoulders melt a bit more into the mat. I let my feet splay apart and focused on releasing the tension in my lower back and legs. Next, I placed my hand on my belly and focused on the rise and swell as I inhaled and then exhaled even more slowly. 

Before I knew it, I bowed and whispered, Namaste, but not before the instructor shared a parting quote. I'm paraphrasing here, but the gist was that in a life that moves so fast, it is sometimes energizing to just slow down, which is exactly what I did in each and every pose today.

I left feeling rejuvenated and energized and so very thankful that I could practice lunch yoga in the middle of the week.

Ain't spring break grand?

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