The only thing worse than waking up after daylight savings time in pitch black darkness, is coming home and spending fifty-seven minutes on the phone with your Internet provider because your home WiFi connection is glitchy when trying to stream Netflix or Prime shows.
Trudging down the stairs, phone to ear, while being directed to stand in front of my modem and stare at the lights awaiting the moment the red light returned flashing angrily until it calmed itself and stayed solid dragged on for what felt like eternity. Then my friendly support provider instructed me to try streaming on my device, which meant trudging back up the stairs and clicking my Amazon Fire Stick remote. Rather dejectedly, I informed her that the streaming was still glitchy and even freezing. She then cheerily told me that she would change the "channel" and we would try again (apparently there are about one hundred possible channels), and the cycle repeated itself for the next forty or so minute to no avail. Think Groundhog Day meets Russian Dolls.
Well, maybe not to no avail; I certainly got in a good workout climbing up and down the stairs.
Finally, after the umpteenth time we tried a new channel, I guessed it...transferred to the fiber optic department. Of course that meant being put on hold for several more minutes. The soft-spoken gentleman who was now in charge of my call informed me that he would again run all the tests and reboot the system though this time, it would take 20 minutes to come back to life. Luckily, I would not have to stay on the phone that entire time. He conveniently sent me a text with a link I could click if that didn't work to schedule a service appointment. I politely refrained from telling him exactly where I thought his link could be conveniently placed!
Luckily, my computer is connected to the Internet and allowing me to post my blog. I'll check streaming just as soon as I post this link.
It's certainly been a Monday!
Ugh - suffered a similar situation yesterday - and your description clearly describes my experience. Sadly, I might not have gotten as many steps as you. Great slice - sorry it happened.
ReplyDeleteDidn't you love "Russian Doll"?